Many people may not be familiar with the Moody’s credit rating system or even Moody’s the company itself. The most prominent company in determining credit ratings is Fair Isaac, but Moody’s is also a player in the credit rating and financial market.
Moody’s provides more than just credit ratings. They also give lenders extensive research tools and risk analysis when it comes to consumers and their credit worthiness. They are a global company and employ over 3,000 people all over the world.
Moody’s credit ratings and research help investors analyze the credit risks associated with fixed-income securities. Such independent credit ratings and research also contribute to efficiencies in fixed-income markets and other obligations, such as insurance policies and derivative transactions, by providing credible and independent assessments of credit risk.
Moody's default studies validate their predictive ratings. Their published research and investor briefings draw thousands of attendees each year and keep investors current with the rationale underlying our credit opinions.
In addition to its ratings services, Moody's publishes investor oriented credit research, including in-depth research on major debt issuers, industry studies, special comments and credit opinion handbooks. While research, analysis and data are delivered through a number of channels, most of Moody's clients use for access to such services in a real-time environment.
Customers who use the Moody’s credit rating service include a wide range of corporate and governmental issuers of securities as well as institutional investors, depositors, creditors, investment banks, commercial banks, and other financial intermediaries.
While your FICO credit rating is known as the industry standard, Moody’s is a company that provides much of the same services that FICO does including individual credit ratings as well as credit ratings of various companies and financial institutions. They have been around almost as long as Fair Isaac and have been providing credit ratings along with other risk analysis tools for just as long.
Essentially, Moody’s credit rating service caters to businesses and corporations while FICO caters to individuals. However, both are important in the financial world when it comes to determining credit worthiness. Lenders put a lot of stock into the Moody credit rating and they are highly respected in the business world.
We often live on credit – that includes businesses as well. Moody’s credit rating service helps to keep lenders safe when they are giving out money to various entities and they want to be sure they can provide the most accurate information as well as the most up-to-date information that is possible.
Friday, November 6, 2009
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