There are three credit report bureaus where you can obtain your free online credit report, one of which is Equifax. Equifax could very well be one of the oldest credit reporting bureaus around as they have been providing lenders with credit reporting services for over one hundred years!
Founded in 1899, Equifax has been providing creditors and lenders with credit reports – both online as well as through the mail. They have a proven track record with over $1.4 billion dollars in revenue with 4,600 employees in 13 countries. With the advent of the Internet, Equifax became even more popular as they were able to launch their website where people could obtain free online credit reports with a few keystrokes.
Of course, that wasn’t always the case. Up until 2003 when the FACT Act was passed, regular everyday consumers weren’t able to access their own credit reports. The only people who were privy to this information were credit lenders and even today, the formula for calculating the all-important credit score remains a mystery – with the blessing of the FTC.
After the FACT Act passed, all Americans were given the right to obtain an Equifax credit report online for free – or from either of the other two credit reporting bureaus as well. You can do this in a variety of ways.
The easiest way to get your free credit report online from Equifax is to go to their website directly at Once you are there, they will prompt you to press a link button that will take you to an online form that will get you on your way towards obtaining your free Equifax credit report.
You will be asked to provide personal information like your name, address, and social security number among other information. Then they will ask you about something specific that is on your credit report so they can verify you are you. After that, your free online credit report from Equifax will appear directly on your computer screen.
At that point, you can not only view your credit report, but you can also download it to your computer’s hard drive or print it out for further inspection. It is especially important for you to immediately check for errors as mistakes can wreak havoc with your all-important credit score.
Equifax is one of the giants in the credit reporting industry. They have made it much easier for consumers to obtain an online copy of their free credit reports at the Equifax website. Look for them online, do your homework when it comes to how to read your credit report and then use it to your advantage – keeping your good credit or repairing your bad credit.
Friday, November 6, 2009
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